USA anföll Huthi-mål i Jemen
▸ USA har tillsammans med brittiska styrkor genomfört luftangrepp mot 15 militära mål i Jemen som tillhör Huthirörelsen.
Houthis say US air strikes target several cities across Yemen
Attacks hit key port city of Hodeidah as well as the capital, Sanaa, Houthi-run media and US sources say.
Känslostormar när himlakropparna radade upp sig
▸ Fenomenet med eldringen lockade man ur huse långt ner i Sydamerika. Och känslorna stormade.
Laser Message Sent 460 Million Kilometers – Further Than Mars – To NASA’s Psyche
This is the beginning of high-rate interplanetary communications.
Do The Tropics Get Two Longest Days Because The Sun Passes Overhead Twice A Year?
A lot of people might think we’re silly for even asking, but even more probably don’t know the answer.
”Dracula” May Have Been The Largest Flying Creature The World Has Ever Seen
This airborne giant was fang-tastically huge.
Gender, nationality ‘sufficient’ to grant Afghan women asylum: Top EU court
The ruling follows Austria’s refusal to recognise the refugee status of two Afghan women.
WHO approves first mpox test for faster diagnoses
The ’real time PCR test’ will enable the detection of the virus by swabbing human skin lesions.
EU-Morocco trade deals in Western Sahara ruled invalid, Rabat claims ‘bias’
Morocco slams ECJ ruling that said the people of Western Sahara were not consulted before the 2019 deals were signed.