‘Dahiyeh Doctrine’ returns to Dahiyeh
After Gaza, Israel’s military strategy of destroying civilian life to deter its adversaries is back in play in Lebanon.
Video: Report from scene of Beirut city centre air attack
Al Jazeera reports from the scene of a deadly Israeli air attack around a kilometre from Lebanon’s parliament in Beirut.
US military action in the Middle East is not making Israel safer
Lasting security for the entire region requires an equitable peace with the Palestinians, which the US will not broker.
Gateway Stands Tall for Stress Test
1 min read Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) Gateway’s Habitation and Logistics Outpost stands vertically inside a Thales Alenia Space facility in Turin, Italy, after completing static…
Natochefen Rutte i stödresa till Kiev
▸ Natochefen Mark Rutte säger att hans entydiga mål är att ”Ukraina ska segra” under ett blixtbesök i huvudstaden Kiev.
Marburgvirus klassas som samhällsfarligt
▸ Svenska myndigheter höjer beredskapen med anledning av det pågående utbrottet av marburgvirus i Rwanda.
Konsumentverket granskar S-lotterier
▸ Konsumentverket har startat ett tillsynsärende mot S-lotterier, rapporterar SVT Nyheter.
Khamenei håller sällsynt fredagsbön i Teheran
▸ Irans högste ledare, ayatolla Ali Khamenei, kommer att hålla fredagsbönen i Teheran under fredagen, någonting som…
Light Experiment Shows Atoms “Seem To Spend A ‘Negative’ Amount Of Time” In An Excited State
The concept of negative time might have more physical significance than previously thought.
Why Astronomers Have Stopped Hoping For A Once-In-A-Lifetime Exploding Star (For Now)
It’s a treasured opportunity some astronomers have waited decades for, but they also fear it could come at just the wrong time.