Militärövning orsakade polispådrag: ”Ovanligt”
▸ SOS blev nedringda av oroade boenden efter jättesmällarna i Bromma. Till slut bekräftade Försvarsmakten att de övat i…
Flera dödade på Västbanken
▸ Minst 16 palestinier dödades i ett israeliskt anfall mot ett flyktingläger i staden Tulkarm vid ockuperade Västbankens…
Astronauts Rubio and Berrios Speak During Hispanic Heritage Month
Chirag Parikh, Deputy Assistant to the President and Executive Secretary of the National Space Council, left, and NASA Astronauts Frank Rubio, center, and Marcos Berrios, right, speak at a staff…
Legal Internship & Externship Opportunities
The Office of the General Counsel provides various opportunities throughout the academic year for law students to serve as interns and externs at NASA Headquarters and each of the 10…
Commercial and Intellectual Property Law
About The Commercial and Intellectual Property Law Practice Group is responsible for providing Agency-wide legal advice for negotiating, drafting, and interpreting Space Act Agreements; for partnering arrangements with commercial organizations;…
Meghan Daley: Shaping the Future of NASA’s Robotic Simulations
During National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we celebrate the thousands of employees living with disabilities who contribute to NASA’s mission. By sharing their stories, we highlight the impact people with…
NASA Establishes New Class of Astrophysics Missions, Selects Studies
Credit: NASA Two proposals for missions to observe X-ray and far-infrared wavelengths of light from space were selected by NASA for additional review, the agency announced Thursday. Each proposal team…
Ljusdalsmannen tog hand om deras döttrar: ”Arg och äcklad”
▸ Över en natt riktades Sveriges alla strålkastare mot den oskuldsfulla idyllen i Hälsingland.
15-årig tros ha planerat knivdåd i Tyskland
▸ Tysk polis har gripit en 15-åring, misstänkt för att ha planerat ett antisemitiskt dåd i västra Tyskland.
Ministern oroas över krigets konsekvenser
▸ Utrikesminister Maria Malmer Stenergard (M) oroas över att konflikten i Mellanöstern ska sprida sig.