Uniquely Shining Galaxy May Be Missing Link To The Universe’s Unseen First Stars
An oddball galaxy might provide a crucial clue in the quest to find the first population of stars.
How much of a difference could Iran’s regional allies make in a war?
Yemen’s Houthis and armed groups in Iraq have continued to target Israel, amid escalation between Tel Aviv and Tehran.
Israel Targets Remaining Hezbollah Leaders in Beirut, Officials Say
Huge explosions rocked the city following a day of particularly deadly Israeli attacks in Gaza and the West Bank. In Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei was expected to lead Friday prayers.
Stenergard om attacken: ”En obehaglig situation”
▸ Utrikesminister Maria Malmer Stenergard (M) fick tomater kastade mot sig under en debatt i riksdagens kammare.
Polisen går ut med bilder på död mans kläder – hoppas få hjälp att identifiera honom
▸ I somras hittades en död man i Fyrisån i Uppsala, men polisen har ännu inte lyckats identifiera honom.
Svantesson: Extremt splittrad opposition
▸ Finansminister Elisabeth Svantesson (M) kommenterar oppositionens budgetmotioner.
Förfalskade pass – får fängelse
▸ Efter upptäckten om att falska pass har tillverkats med hjälp av polisens utrustning i Norrköping kom på fredagen domen…
New Israeli air attacks in Beirut are among biggest yet
Israel’s military is believed to have again used ‘bunker buster’ bombs on a densely populated area in south Beirut.
Russia-Ukraine war: All the proposed peace plans explained
Ukrainian President Zelenskyy has asserted that the plan proposed by Ukraine should be enacted.
Israel rocks Beirut with huge attack and cuts off main Lebanon-Syria road
Israel hits Beirut’s southern suburbs with its largest attack yet and cuts off a vital escape route into Syria.