Uppgifter: Putins akuta beslut efter skräcken i luften
▸ Plötsligt dök drönarna upp över södra Ryssland. Det fick Putin att frukta för sitt liv.
Parisa Liljestrand (M) rasar mot V-svar
▸ Kulturminister Parisa Liljestrand (M) rasar mot ett svar på en kommentar på Instagram – från Nooshi Dadgostar (V).
Trump: Invandrare för med sig ”dåliga gener”
▸ Republikanernas presidentkandidat Donald Trump säger i en radiointervju att illegala invandrare för med sig ”dåliga…
Michigan community remembers American killed in Lebanon by Israeli strike
Kamel Jawad was killed on October 1 while volunteering in his hometown of Nabatieh, said his family.
Deadly attack near Karachi airport in Pakistan
Video shows the aftermath of a deadly attack with explosives near Karachi’s Jinnah international airport.
Instructions for Aliens
Flying aboard Voyagers 1 and 2 are identical ”golden” records, carrying the story of Earth far into deep space. This gold aluminum cover was designed to protect the gold-plated records…
GLOBE Eclipse and Civil Air Patrol: An Astronomical Collaboration
Learn Home GLOBE Eclipse and Civil Air… Earth Science Overview Learning Resources Science Activation Teams SME Map Opportunities More Science Activation Stories Citizen Science 3 min read GLOBE Eclipse and…
Instructions for Aliens
NASA/JPL-Caltech The golden records placed aboard Voyager 1 and 2 each have a cover with special etchings, seen here in this photo from Sept. 4, 1977. These drawings show how…
NASA: New Insights into How Mars Became Uninhabitable
5 min read NASA: New Insights into How Mars Became Uninhabitable NASA’s Curiosity rover, currently exploring Gale crater on Mars, is providing new details about how the ancient Martian climate…