Medelhavsvärmen drar in över Sverige
▸ Bävar du inför höstrusket? Då är den här väderprognosen goda nyheter. – I hela landet kan vi räkna med 4–9 grader…
EU och oljeländer i samsyn om Mellanöstern
▸ EU-länderna och deras kollegor på Arabiska halvön manar gemensamt till fred och tvåstatslösning i Mellanöstern och även…
This Year’s Brightest Supermoon Will Interrupt Some Great Dark Sky Observing
Depending on your time zone, the Moon will be closest to full either tonight or tomorrow, and it will be the largest and brightest of the year.
Rare Bryde’s Whales Seen “Surfing” In Australian Waters Thanks To Citizen Science
The whales were seen using the power of the waves to move them towards prey.
You Probably Didn’t Learn About The Deadliest Civil War In Human History At School
Less than 200 years ago, the self-proclaimed brother of Jesus Christ sparked a devastating war in China.
High-THC Cannabis Leaves A Unique Signature On Users’ DNA
These findings may help explain the link between weed and psychosis.
Social Media and the UK Riots
People & Power investigates the role of social media in the recent UK riots.
Fact check: Did Black wages in the US rise ‘massively’ under Donald Trump?
They did rise, but have risen even faster under Biden. And the US wage gap for Black and white men grew under Trump.
Where is Cameroon’s Paul Biya — and why is his health a banned topic?
The 91-year-old president has been missing in action for over a month, fuelling rumours about his health.
Sols 4334-4335: Planning with Popsicles — A Clipper Celebration!
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