Italy sends first asylum seekers to Albania under controversial deal
Rome boasts of deal processing asylum seekers outside EU. Critics complain of ’cruel experiment’ that undermines rights.
US issues 30-day ultimatum to Israel in threat to cut military aid
The US warns Israel to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza in the coming 30 days or face cuts in US military aid.
Is the US government doing enough to help hurricane victims?
Damage caused by Hurricanes Helene and Milton is estimated to be more than $100bn.
Christine Knudson Uses Earthly Experience to Study Martian Geology
Name: Christine KnudsonTitle: GeologistFormal Job Classification: Research AssistantOrganization: Planetary Environments Laboratory, Science Directorate (Code 699) Christine Knudson is a geologist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. She…
NASA’s Hubble Sees a Stellar Volcano
Hubble Space Telescope Home NASA’s Hubble Sees a… Hubble Space Telescope Hubble Home Overview About Hubble The History of Hubble Hubble Timeline Why Have a Telescope in Space? Hubble by…
Fler 35-plussare vill plugga på högskola
▸ Intresset för att studera vid universitet eller högskola är fortsatt stort.
Gömd ammunition hittad på kyrkogård
▸ I början av september hittades handgranater gömda på Östra kyrkogården i Malmö.
SD vädjar om möte med kommittén mot antisemitism
▸ Sverigedemokraterna känner sig angripna av Svenska kommittén mot antisemitism, SKMA.
Nato: Ska diskutera segerplanen med Ukraina
▸ Natos generalsekreterare Mark Rutte står i tät kontakt med Ukraina om landets ”segerplan” – men om det blir något möte i…