Air India serial bomb threats: Why is it significant amid Canada tensions?
Several Indian carriers have been forced to divert flights or return to land following bomb threats this week.
NASA’s SpaceX 31st Resupply Mission to Launch Experiments to Station
NASA and its international partners are launching scientific investigations on SpaceX’s 31st commercial resupply services mission to the International Space Station including studies of solar wind, a radiation-tolerant moss, spacecraft…
Iowa Students to Connect with NASA Astronaut Aboard Space Station
NASA astronaut and Expedition 72 Flight Engineer Nick Hague in the space station cupola. (Credit: NASA) Students from Iowa will have the opportunity to hear NASA astronaut Nick Hague answer…
Scientist Profile: Jacquelyn Shuman Blazes New Trails in Fire Science
4 min read Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) Jacquelyn Shuman visually assesses a prescribed fire at Ft. Stewart in Georgia, working with partner organizations as part of…
Kommitté kräver omorganisation av Secret Service
▸ En oberoende granskningskommitté kräver en genomgripande omorganisation av den amerikanska säkerhetstjänsten Secret…
E-handel: Åtta av tio leksaker farliga för barn
▸ Åtta av tio leksaker som kan handlas på säljplattformar på nätet uppfyller inte EU:s säkerhetskrav.
Physicists Put Together New Picture Of Atomic Nucleus Including Gluons And Quarks
If you stopped physics in high school, you have a lot of catching up to do.
It Looks Like A La Niña Event Is Coming. Here’s How It Will Influence US Weather
The naturally occurring weather event will lead to a colder and wetter winter in North America, but this year’s event will likely be weaker than usual.
EU leaders to discuss stricter measures to curb arrivals of asylum seekers
Governments will be looking for solutions including sending migrants abroad while their claims are processed.