Handgranat detonerade vid bostadshus i Partille
▸ En explosion inträffade under natten till fredagen i Partille när det som bedöms vara en handgranat kastades in på en…
Liz Cheney campaigns with Harris and condemns Trump’s ‘depraved cruelty’
Republican says the ‘broad coalition’ voting for Vice President Harris is ‘putting patriotism ahead of partisanship’.
Russia-Ukraine war: List of key events, day 952
As the war enters its 952nd day, these are the main developments.
‘Like we are trapped’: Minorities suffer amid conflict in Myanmar’s Rakhine
AA and its political wing say it is committed to diversity in Rakhine, but there is scepticism among some minorities.
US federal jury convicts three officers in fatal Tyre Nichols beating
Officers convicted of witness tampering but cleared of higher charges, in incident that prompted nationwide protests.
US dockworkers union to suspend strike after reaching tentative deal
US President Joe Biden welcomes agreement to end three-day strike, saying dockworkers ’deserve a strong contract’.
Sols 4323-4324: Surfin’ Our Way out of the Channel
Curiosity Navigation Curiosity Home Mission Overview Where is Curiosity? Mission Updates Science Overview Instruments Highlights Exploration Goals News and Features Multimedia Curiosity Raw Images Images Videos Audio More Resources Mars…
Socialen har svårt nå yngre utsatta
▸ Socialtjänsten har svårt att nå yngre barn och insatserna slår orättvist beroende på barnens bakgrund, visar en studie…
Ex-poliser döms i Nichols-fallet
▸ Tre tidigare poliser döms för sin inblandning i den uppmärksammade dödsmisshandeln av Tyre Nichols, en ung svart man, i…
Biden: ”Möjligt undvika fullt krig”
▸ USA:s president Joe Biden tror att det går att undvika ett storkrig i Mellanöstern trots den eskalering som skett mellan…