Outbreak Hits Vietnam Zoos And Virus Spreads To Antarctica – Latest On H5N1 Bird Flu
And the first human cases are reported in California.
Our Galaxy Appears To Be Part Of Structure So Large It Challenges Our Models Of Cosmology
The tiny red dot is us.
Strange Ice On Arctic Seafloor Shows It’s A Surprisingly Dynamic World Down There
The icy depths of the Arctic Ocean are an ever-changing world, not a static environment stuck in a deep freeze.
Indian club Mohun Bagan out of AFC competition after missing match in Iran
The football club did not travel to Tabriz for a match on October 2, the day after Iran launched missiles on Israel.
Why Palestinians won’t leave their land
The more Israel tries to make Palestinian life impossible in Palestine, the more Palestinians resist.
All that’s left is a key: Palestinians fleeing Israel’s bombs dream of home
The keys are light and small, but the longing for home that they hold is a driving force for Palestinians in Gaza.
Mark Sonoda: Leading NASA’s Path to the Commercialization of Space
With over 34 years of experience in human spaceflight, Mark Sonoda has witnessed some of NASA’s most pivotal moments, from the startup of the International Space Station to the retirement…
Varningen: Jordens vattensystem ur balans
▸ Mer kaotiska väderförhållanden väntar. Förra året ledde värmeböljor till att världens floder hade de lägsta nivåerna…
Ett år av krig – 710 spädbarn har dödats
▸ Sen 7 oktober 2023 har minst 14 420 barn dött i kriget i mellanöstern.
Thorengruppens nya ägare får godkänt
▸ Skolkoncernen Edukatus, som fram till nyligen hette Thorengruppen, får klartecken för att fortsätta driva…