1 Min Read

Oral History with Jon A. McBride, 1943 – 2024

Jon A. McBride with the IMAX large format camera in the middeck during the STS-41G mission.
Jon A. McBride with the IMAX large format camera in the middeck during the STS-41G mission.

Selected as an astronaut in 1978, Jon A. McBride served as the pilot for STS 41-G, launched October 5, 1984, the first shuttle mission to carry a full crew of seven. His other NASA assignments included lead chase pilot for the maiden voyage of Columbia and CAPCOM for three early shuttle flights.

Read more about Jon McBride

The transcripts available on this site are created from audio-recorded oral history interviews. To preserve the integrity of the audio record, the transcripts are presented with limited revisions and thus reflect the candid conversational style of the oral history format. Brackets and ellipses indicate where the text has been annotated or edited for clarity. Any personal opinions expressed in the interviews should not be considered the official views or opinions of NASA, the NASA History Office, NASA historians, or staff members.

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