New Toothed Toad Species Surprises Scientists On Expedition To Vietnam’s “Froggy Hotspot”
The Mount Po Ma Lung toothed toad has a row of tiny teeth on the roof of its mouth.
What The Fuck Is Happening?!
The Mount Po Ma Lung toothed toad has a row of tiny teeth on the roof of its mouth.
The roots of human facial expressions might go back a very long way.
The animal’s wound looked old and it had been eating normally until it was caught off the southern Albanian coast.
The long contest for where life began has a new contender.
“It happens right under everyone’s feet, but we haven’t had the technology to really understand what is happening.”
The space probe is showing signs of its considerable age.
It seems that all big thunderstorms generate gamma rays in multiple ways.
Yes, it’s a fly brain – but here’s why that’s still super cool.