Microplastics Detected in Wild Dolphin Breath For The First Time
All 11 dolphins in the study had at least one type of microplastic present in their breath sample.
It’s Your Last – And Best – Chance To See Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS for 80,000 Years
It hasn’t entirely lived up to the hype, but it’s still been the best comet we have seen for years, and some photos even reveal a rare “antitail”.
Octopus Eggs, Electrical Arcs, And Spider Eyes: Stunning Images From 50th Nikon Small World Competition
Feast your eyes on some of the most amazing microscopic images out there.
It Looks Like A La Niña Event Is Coming. Here’s How It Will Influence US Weather
The naturally occurring weather event will lead to a colder and wetter winter in North America, but this year’s event will likely be weaker than usual.
Physicists Put Together New Picture Of Atomic Nucleus Including Gluons And Quarks
If you stopped physics in high school, you have a lot of catching up to do.
US Space Force Makes Rare Announcement About Their Mysterious X-37B Space Plane
X-37B is about to perform a series of “novel maneuvers”.
IFLScience The Big Questions: Are Octopuses Sentient?
Evidence for or against sentience could have a significant impact on their rights.
This Year’s Brightest Supermoon Will Interrupt Some Great Dark Sky Observing
Depending on your time zone, the Moon will be closest to full either tonight or tomorrow, and it will be the largest and brightest of the year.
High-THC Cannabis Leaves A Unique Signature On Users’ DNA
These findings may help explain the link between weed and psychosis.